Mitsotakis given tour of Dumfries House by Prince Charles; efforts to showcase Tatoi estate discussed
Dumfries House is open to the public and hosts educational, environmental as well as cultural events
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the 18th-century Dumfries House estate in southwest Scotland on Tuesday, following an invitation by Charles, Prince of Wales, with informal talks touching on best practices for the one-time Greek royal country estate in Tatoi, due north of Athens.
The Dumfries estate is managed by The Prince’s Foundation, which has renovated and now maintains the historic site as a working estate, while preserving the cultural heritage of the surrounding region.
Dumfries House is open to the public and hosts educational, environmental as well as cultural events. Thousands of British pupils visit Dumfries House every year.
The invitation Prince Charles to Mitsotakis came during the former’s visit to Greece in March 2021 to attend events for the bicentennial of the beginning of the Greek War of Independence. At the time, Prince Charles had expressed keen interest for the Tatoi estate.
On his part, Mitsotakis noted that the goal is similar promotion of Tatoi and its surrounding region.
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