Greek minister: Little impact on FDIs from crises
Α draft law is being prepared in quick order for the privatization of the Elefsina shipyards
Greek Development & Investments Minister Adonis Georgiadis on Thursday, in comments to a news radio station, said a draft law is being prepared in quick order for the privatization of the Elefsina shipyards, west of Piraeus proper.
He added that the government is in contact with the would-be investor and DFC.
Asked about the possibility of an interruption in natural gas flow from Russia to Greece, he discounted such a prospect, while repeating – similar to other ministers and the prime minister – that implemented measures have ensured “energy sufficiency”.
Queried over the impact of global economic crisis on FDIs towards Greece, Georgiadis claimed that negative consequences have been minimal, whereas investment for renewable energy sources has skyrocketed.
He cited indications of a banner year in the tourism sector – despite inflation and the war in Ukraine – a surge in real estate-related investment, as well as a handful of major projects in the country by hi-tech global giants, such as Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, and Meta Facebook, among others.
He spoke on the radio station “Parapolitika”.
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