Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Greek PM: Elections a year from now – Biting joke for ministers

Greek PM: Elections a year from now – Biting joke for ministers

Kyriakos Mitsotakis, during the cabinet meeting, once again scotched scenarios for early elections

The prime minister is again trying to put an end to scenarios of early elections, saying, according to information, to his ministers that “we will exhaust the four year term”. He sent a clear message that this is his intention and even stressed that “it has come to my attention that some people may not believe that this is exactly my intention”.

During the cabinet meeting, Kyriakos Mitsotakis spoke about a 12-month government project and asked the ministers to draw up a plan with this horizon in mind.

According to information, the Prime Minister stated that “I have said many times that we will run out of four years. This means that the time horizon of the government project is 12 months. That is why you have been asked by the government secretariat to plan a government project with this horizon “.

The joke to the ministers

“It has come to my attention that some people may not believe that this is exactly my intention,” he said and continued jokingly: “If any of you think that you need more time to prepare for the elections, do not hesitate to tell me. I can relieve you of your duties, so that you can dedicate yourself exclusively to the preparation of the elections “.

“I say this jokingly, but to emphasize that we have a year ahead of us, we have to face great difficulties, great challenges,” said the Prime Minister.

The messages of Mitsotakis

In this way, Mr. Mitsotakis sent a message to both the government and other parties, that he does not intend to go to elections, in the fall, at least as the rumors of the last weeks have it. Of course, this does not mean that the political plans do not change, depending on the developments, both economically and internationally, with the background of the war in Ukraine or the Greek-Turkish relations that are again in tension.

Of course, the Prime Minister’s joke could also be taken as a message to government officials who have been making calculations waiting for a reshuffle and an election. In Maximou Mansion they have noticed that many officials, ministers, deputy ministers and MPs, are more concerned with their constituency, preparing the ground for going to elections.

Thus, Mr. Mitsotakis warns government officials to only deal with their portfolio and not to listen to the “sirens” that talk about elections in the fall.

Hence the urge to plan for a year, when, according to what they are thinking at the moment in Maximou, elections could be called.

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Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025