Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Announcements about electricity in the coming weeks

Announcements about electricity in the coming weeks

The Deputy Minister of Interior confirmed what the Prime Minister said and that if Europe does not take measures for the increase in electricity, the government will.

Deputy Minister of Interior, Stelios Petsas, spoke about the national plan for the reduction of electricity bills, emphasizing that in the coming weeks, announcements will be made concerning energy prices.

Mr. Petsas confirmed what the Prime Minister said that if Europe does not take measures for the increases in electricity prices, the government will do it.

It is recalled that Greece asked the Commission to take some measures in order to reduce energy prices and limit increases.

Specifically, he requested:

Price ceiling at pre-crisis levels
Daily price limit at +/- 10%
Emergency pricing
Ceiling at wholesale profit
More liquefied gas supplies

In times like the one we live in now, due to war and pandemic, the government is the one that will intervene to normalize the situation, said Mr. Petsas.

“The government will continue to support households and businesses for as long as needed,” he told SKAI.

Regarding Tsipras’s statements, he commented that “micro-politics must be off the table in such difficult times”.

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Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025