PM Mitsotakis: Gov’t marking Labour Day with a measure of real import for workers
“Now is the time of the citizens and especially the weakest”
In a social media message to mark Labour Day on May 1, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Sunday commented on the increase in the basic wage that comes into force on Sunday and noted that the government was supporting workers with actions, not slogans.
“We greet Labour Day on May 1 with the implementation of a measure of real import for workers: an increase in the basic wage by 50 euros a month, which means a 15th salary every year. Also, at the same time, an increase in the unemployment benefit by 31 euros a month. Now is the time of the citizens and especially the weakest. We honour the people of labour not with slogans but with actions!” Mitsotakis said.
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