Covid-19 pandemic in Greece: 2,665 new infections on Mon.; 30 related deaths; 235 intubated patients
The figure brings the number of confirmed Covid-19 infections in the country, since the beginning of the pandemic, to 3,331,288
The number of single-day Covid-19 infections recorded in Greece on Monday reached 2,665 over the past 24 hours.
The figure brings the number of confirmed Covid-19 infections in the country, since the beginning of the pandemic, to 3,331,288.
Additionally, 30 related fatalities were recorded on the day, bringing the death toll to 29,205. In terms of the victims, 95.5 percent had an underlying condition or were aged above 70.
A total of 235 patients remained intubated in hospital ICUs. Their median age is 71 years, while 93.2 percent have an underlying condition or are above the age of 70. In terms of the latter, 121 (51.49 percent) are unvaccinated or partly vaccinated and 114 (48.51 percent) are fully vaccinated.
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