Dep. Health Min.: In autumn, we will probably have to get another booster shot
In autumn and winter, we will probably have to get another booster shot of Covid-19 and flu vaccine, while it will be examined whether new measures will be needed, the minister added
Tomorrow, May 3, the students return to schools, without having conducted a Covid-19 test, but with the obligation of using a mask.
Speaking to SKAI channel, the Deputy Health Minister, Ms Mina Gaga, said that Greece has achieved a satisfactory vaccination rate, so there is no fear of children returning to school.
As she said, children will wear a mask where there will be a lot of people, even outdoors.
We will probably have to get another booster shot
In autumn and winter, we will probably have to get another booster shot of Covid-19 and flu vaccine, while it will be examined whether new measures will be needed, the minister added, among other things.
Regarding hepatitis in children, she added that it is not a new disease and especially before vaccinations there were much more cases.
The transmission of hepatitis cases is not high
Ms Gaga also said that each country has a small number of cases and there does not seem to be a high transmission.
As for adults, she added, “Adults can get severely ill from hepatitis. However, for the time being, we haven’t recorded any cases to people over 16 years.”
Concerning the use of masks, she added that there is a possibility of not using them in the workplace, but this will be examined and announced by the Committee of Experts.
As for the doctors who are on suspension, Ms Gaga stated that the Greek government will soon treat the issue and make some new announcements on it.
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