The merger was in the spirit of achieving lower operating costs
Domiki Kritis decided on the absorption of the subsidiaries “HLIAKO PARK ZAKATHOS SA” solar power park and “AEOLIKO VIANNOY SA” windfarm.
As mentioned in a relevant announcement, in accordance with the Regulations of the Athens Stock Exchange and in the context of the immediate and timely information of the investing public, the company “DOMIKI KRITIS SA” announces that the Board of Directors of the subsidiary DOMIKI ENERGIAKI SA in which the issuer participates with a percentage of 97.51%, and has as object the construction and operation of electricity generation stations from Renewable Energy Sources, decided at the meeting of May 6, 2022 the merger with absorption of the subsidiaries “AEOLIKO VIANNOY SA” and “HLIAKO PARK ZAKATHOS SA”.
The companies “AEOLIKO VIANNOU SA” and “HLIAKO PARK ZAKATHOS SA” have a similar object of activity with their parent company and the percentage of the parent company “DOMIKI ENERGIAKI SA” in “AEOLIKO VIANNOU SA” amounts to 99.7% and in “SOLAR PARK OF ZAKATHOS SA” at 99%.
The above was decided in the context of achieving lower operating costs, improving financial results and further growth of the company.
This merger will be done in accordance with the provisions of L.4601 / 2019 and article 54 of L.4172 / 2013. The transformation balance sheet will be defined as the balance sheet of 31/12/2021 and an independent chartered accountant will be appointed to certify the value of the assets.
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