Ellactor: 30% of shares to Vardinogiannis – Towards a deal with Bakos and Kaimenakis
Information on the sale of the RES portfolio by Ellactor
The Vardinogiannis family and D. Bakos and G. Kaimenakis are moving towards a big deal for 30% of Ellactor shares.
According to information, Motor Oil of Vardinogiannis interests is in final discussions with the shipping duo for the acquisition of the package of shares they hold in Ellactor which amounts to 30%.
Sources want the price to be close to 190 million euros, while it is estimated that the two shipowners had acquired the shares for about 130 million euros.
Motor Oil, according to other information, seems to be in discussions with Ellactor shareholder Reggeborgh for the acquisition of its RES portfolio.
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