Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Editorial Ta Nea: Axes

Editorial Ta Nea: Axes

This war will define the new geopolitical architecture of Europe. Through the drama of Ukraine and the trials and tribulations of its people, the West is being put to the test.

The continuing Russian invasion of Ukraine is changing the flow of history.

It is redrawing axes of countries and is redefining the precepts of our era for nations and their leaderships.

Any way you cut it, this is also a critical confluence of events for Europe, as a series of givens has now been cast in doubt, but it also presents an opportunity to confirm its hegemonic role in defending its values.

In that framework, yesterday’s talks between French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was not just a routine bilateral meeting of the leaders of two major European countries.

It represents the axis of good, behind which all EU countries should rally.

It is an axis that does not aim solely to promote peace or to impose tough correctional sanctions on Putin’s Russia.

Following Macron’s re-election, it entails a deeper strategy that aims at a rebirth of the continent and a pro-active policy in defence of the values of the European Enlightenment and of the post-WWII vision.

If the Franco-German axis does not achieve that, who else can do so with persuasiveness or with experience?

This war will define the new geopolitical architecture of Europe.

Through the drama of Ukraine and the trials and tribulations of its people, the West is being put to the test.

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Σύμφωνα με αγγλικά ΜΜΕ, η Λίβερπουλ ενδιαφέρεται έντονα για την απόκτηση του Στέφανου Τζίμα, χωρίς ωστόσο να ξεκαθαρίζουν αν πρόκειται για τη μεταγραφική του καλοκαιριού ή για του Ιανουαρίου.

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Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025