IDEAL Holdings: The acquisition of Netbull for 6.3 million euros was completed
The acquisition was made through its subsidiary ADACOM SA, which is now its sole partner.
The transaction of the acquisition of 100% of the company Netbull Ltd by IDEAL Holdings for a price of 6.3 million euros was completed.
The acquisition was completed on Tuesday, May 10, through its subsidiary ADACOM SA, which is now its sole partner.
Netbull ( was founded in 2013 by former Bull executives and provides cybersecurity services with an emphasis on incident investigation and cyber security monitoring & prevention services through a state-of-the-art security business center (SOC – Security Operation Center) using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.
Netbull, which employs 42 people, 90% of whom are specialist cybersecurity executives, had revenues of € 5.27 million in 2021, EBITDA of € 1.05 million, a fund of € 0.2 million and zero debt. Netbull Revenue comes primarily from SOC as a Service & security incident services and its clientele includes large public and private sector organizations.
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