Greek LNG terminal fielding record levels of fuel
The complex is running at near capacity after Russia cut off gas supplies to neighboring Bulgaria
Greece’s natural gas transmission system operator, DESFA, on Friday forecast record levels of use at its off-shore Revythoussa islet LNG complex located just off the port of Piraeus.
The complex is running at near capacity after Russia cut off gas supplies to neighboring Bulgaria, while the operator is also hedging against possible future interruptions.
Another 11 shipments are planned for the coming month, whereas in the past monthly shipments ranged from two to at most four.
The June shipments correspond to a total of 4.3 terawatt hours (TWh), a new record, according to figures supplied by Greece’s Public Gas Corp. (DEPA). The latter is in talks for the installation of a floating tank anchored off Revythoussa.
The previous record was in January 2020, when LNG shipments equivalent to 4.2 TWh were off-loaded at the Revythoussa terminal.
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