Advertisements: How much Greeks pay attention to them and what they expect
A significant portion of the public – especially the elderly – feel that ads do not represent their true lifestyle, according to research by Focus Bari
The audience is so diverse that the data that indicate they are paying attention to the ads in the different Media are relatively limited. This is one of the main findings of the ongoing, nationwide survey Profiles of Focus Bari | YouGov.
Of particular interest are the views of Greeks on advertising at the present time: with the abundance of messages constantly increasing, with the combination of traditional and new Media, but also with the rising “personalized” advertising, consumers express their opinion about advertising in the years 2022.
According to the findings, television – despite being the main medium – does not seem to have such a good image in terms of advertising. As for personalized ads, the public is “divided” into those who accept them, but also those who avoid them or even fear them.
At the same time, it seems that the values promoted by a brand, as well as its involvement in important political and / or social issues affect either positively or negatively the willingness of consumers to buy it.
Finally, the proportion of people — especially older ones — who feel that the ads do not represent their true lifestyle and want more “ordinary, everyday people” in the ads so that they can identify is important.
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