Πέμπτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
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Editorial Ta Nea: It is high time for reforms

Editorial Ta Nea: It is high time for reforms

Despite the raging war in Ukraine and its impact on all of Europe, reforms must be implemented swiftly in all areas, especially ones delayed for years.

The image of Greece that came across during Prime Minister Kyriakos’ Mitsotakis’ US visit and his address to a Joint Session of the US Congress was one of economic growth and extroversion.

For that image to be sustained, one needs to proceed with changes such as those pledged in New Democracy’s 2019 electoral platform, which brought it to power.

Valuable time was lost during the two years of the pandemic. It became apparent that conditions are never ideal for important reforms, as we are in the midst of a period of successive crises.

When time is of the essence, however, the government has a duty to act.

Despite the raging war in Ukraine and its repercussions on all of Europe, reforms must be implemented in all areas, especially those in which there have been years of delay.

As Ta Nea reports today, two of them, which have been the subject of public debate recently, are the establishment of a system for the evaluation of civil servants and the modernisation of universities.

The upcoming public consultations on these reforms will not be easy.

The government, however, must move swiftly to make up for time lost and to confirm domestically the image gleaned by Greece’s partners abroad.

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Πέμπτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2024