38.3% increase in industry turnover in March
What the data show
Greek industry turnover jumped by 38.3% in March.
In particular, according to Hellenic Statistical Authority-ELSTAT, the General Index of Turnover in Industry (total domestic and foreign market) of March 2022, compared to the corresponding index of March 2021, showed an increase of 38.3% compared to an increase of 18.2% in the corresponding comparison of the year 2021 with 2020.
The General Index of Turnover in Industry for March 2022, compared to the corresponding index of February 2022, showed an increase of 23.1%.
The average General Index of the twelve months April 2021 – March 2022, compared to the corresponding index of the twelve months April 2020 – March 2021, showed an increase of 34.6%, compared to a decrease of 11.3% compared to the previous twelve months
Compared to last year
The increase of the General Index of Turnover in Industry by 38.3% in March 2022, compared to the corresponding index of March 2021, came from:
1. From the changes of the indices of the sub-sectors of the industry:
– Increase by 38.9% of the Manufacturing Turnover Index. The changes in the indicators of the double-digit sectors mainly contributed to this increase: production of coke and oil refining products, production of basic metals, manufacturing of clothing, food industry.
– Reduction by 7.8% of the Turnover Index of Mines – Quarries. This decrease was due to the change in the index of the double-digit mining sector.
2. From the changes in the indices of the individual markets:
– Increase by 42.6% of the Domestic Market Turnover Index.
– Increase by 32.2% of the Foreign Market Turnover Index.
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