Development Min.: 26% of gas stations checked found breaking laws
Unfair profitability was found in 17 of the 64 service stations, according to the Minister of Development
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The checks and audits for the fuel scandal continue unabated, as the Minister of Development and Investments Adonis Georgiadis notes in his post on social media. He emphasized that today he signed new fines for gas stations and by the end of the week he will sign “several more”.
Specifically, as the minister states:
“This week we are continuing to investigate the fuel scandal. And today I signed new relative fines and by the end of the week I will sign several more. We are sending a clear message to everyone not to take advantage of the situation to win! ”
He even provided the relevant data, noting that market auditors DIMEA in the last few days has inspected 137 gas stations, of which it has completed the processing of data for 64. Delinquency at 26%. “We are continuing,” he said.
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