Hellenic Federation of Enterprises: Cooperation agreements with the Universities of Thessaly and Ioannina
The aim is to link research and education with production, to support the innovation ecosystem and to develop modern skills around digital transformation and the green transition.
Cooperation agreements for the connection of research and education with production, the support of the innovation ecosystem and the development of modern skills around the digital transformation and the green transition were signed by the Universities of Ioannina and Thessaly with Hellenic Federation of Enterprises – SEV.
Agreements between university administrations and SEV include actions on Innovation, Postgraduate and Doctoral Research in Industry, Connecting Students and Graduates to the Labor Market and Promoting Lifelong Learning and Continuing Vocational Training.
The chairman of the Executive Committee of SEV, Efthymios Vidalis stated: “With the signing of the two new agreements, we strengthen in practice the ties between the companies and the academic community in the region. “Universities and businesses work together with the common goal of turning the challenges of the new green and digital age into opportunities for growth and prosperity for the place, and above all for young people.”
The Rector of the University of Thessaly, Professor Mr. Zisis Mamouris, among other things, pointed out: social development at local and national level. May it be a basis for the promotion of intellectual abilities, excellence, innovation, for the benefit of the new generation and the place “.
The Rector of the University of Ioannina, Professor Triantaphyllos Albanis, among others, pointed out: “The agreement of the University of Ioannina with SEV opens prospects for the promotion of applied research and the development of innovations based on basic research for the benefit of students as well as the economy of Epirus
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