Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Recycling fee on plastic packaging from June 1

Recycling fee on plastic packaging from June 1

Based on the law passed last summer

An environmental tax, or recycling fee, of 8 cents on products whose packaging contains polyvinyl chloride (PVC) will be imposed from June 1 when the products are sold.

Under a law passed last summer, consumers are required to pay the fee per piece of product.

The amount of the fee should be indicated in a distinct and legible way on the sales documents before VAT and should be recorded in the accounting records that the companies that sell the products in question are required to keep.

It should also be stated at the points of sale of the specific products in a visible place for the consumer, that these products are subject to a fee, with an indication of the amount of the fee.

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Σοκαριστική στιγμή – Ο Μπεντανκούρ σωριάστηκε στο έδαφος και αποχώρησε με φορείο

Ο Ροντρίγκο Μπεντανκούρ «πάγωσε» τους πάντες στην αναμέτρηση της Τότεναμ με τη Λίβερπουλ, όταν αποχώρησε από το γήπεδο μετά από ένα επεισόδιο που είχε

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Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025