Bill Gates in Athens; Microsoft investment in Greece at 1 bln€ over next decade
Following an invitation by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
Microsoft founder Bill Gates arrived in Greece on Friday afternoon at the Athens International Airport, according to reports by the state television network, following an invitation by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.
The media reports states that Gates, one of the wealthiest and influential business executive in the world, arrived aboard a private corporate jet. He will stay in Athens at a downtown hotel before visiting a few Greek isles, although no names were revealed.
Gates has reportedly not been to the east Mediterranean country before, although his arrival on Friday comes on the heels of a massive – by Greek standards and beyond the sectors of shipping and tourism – investment by Microsoft of one billion euros over the next decades.
The investment aims to create three data hubs in the greater Athens area, employing 300 peoples.
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