Hellenic Air Force joint exercises with the aircraft carriers “Harry S. Truman” and “Juan Carlos I”
The exercise included four F-16s, four F-18s and two AV-8B Harriers
Hellenic Air Force fighter jets co-trained with the USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier and the Spanish SPS Juan Carlos I aircraft carrier on May 23 and 24 in the Ionian Sea region.
In particular, four F-16s from Greece participated, four F-18s from the “USS Harry S. Truman” and two AV-8B Harriers from the “SPS Juan Carlos I” in air combat and interception of pursuit-bomber aircraft.
According to the Hellenic Armed Forces General Staff, the conduct of the co-training exercise aims at promoting the level of operational readiness, combat capability and cooperation of the participants in an allied context.
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