The framework for supporting the pumped storage system in Amfilochia is ready
How the largest natural energy storage battery works
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Another step was taken for the implementation of the Amfilochia large energy pumping and storage system, the project that TERNA ENERGY has planned to build and operate.
More specifically, the Ministry of Environment and Energy published the decision of Minister Costas Skrekas, which defines the terms, conditions and procedures for granting operational support to the Electricity Storage System of Amfilochia.
The details for the support of this project following the relevant approval given months ago by the European Commission will be finalized by the Energy Regulatory Authority, in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Environment and Energy.
The biggest investment in storage projects
The “Pump Storage System in Amfilochia” is the largest investment in a storage project in Greece.
Nine years ago it was included in the Projects of Common European Interest, while eight years ago it was characterized as an investment of Strategic Significance. Thus, the studies of the project were co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility Program and now it has final studies and a number of integrated geological and geotechnical surveys as well as a Decision for the Approval of Environmental Terms.
With a total installed capacity of 680 MW (production) and 730 MW (pumping), the project includes two independent upper reservoirs (Agios Georgios and Pyrgos with volumes of about 5 cubic centimeters and 2 million cubic meters respectively) while as a lower reservoir it uses the existing lake of Kastraki PPC.
The purpose of the project is the storage of energy in order to support the maximum possible penetration of renewable sources in the mixture of energy production. The annual energy production amounts to 816 GWh and the investment is estimated at 550 million euros.
The project will be funded in part by the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF),
How pumping storage works
In the context of the penetration of clean energy that is underway worldwide, energy storage by the method of pumped storage is considered central to the energy transition to climate neutrality.
Pump storage is the most tried and tested method, accounting for 97% of global storage. The reason is that it is based on the proven technology of hydroelectric production, has the possibility of mass storage, a huge lifespan of more than 50 years and mainly is an infrastructure with high domestic value added, which creates conditions of energy divestment from imported fuels and technologies.
Its operation requires two tanks with a difference in altitude, ie geomorphological relief that our country has in abundance. When there is excess energy in the system, this energy is used to pump water from the “bottom” to the “top” reservoir. When there is a high demand in the system, the water returns to the lower reservoir producing hydroelectric energy. In this simple way, the “excess” energy is temporarily stored to be converted to hydroelectric energy when the system needs it.
In addition to this simple description of their principle of operation, pumped savings systems also offer a number of ancillary services for the reliable and optimized efficiency of the energy market.
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