Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Greek shipping minister: Takeover of 2 tankers by Iranian forces a violation of int’l law

Greek shipping minister: Takeover of 2 tankers by Iranian forces a violation of int’l law

He spoke on Thursday ahead of the upcoming Posidonia 2022 shipping exhibition

Greek Shipping and Island Policy Minister Yannis Plakiotakis spoke on Thursday ahead of the upcoming Posidonia 2022 shipping exhibition in the country, one of the most prominent events for the global sector.

The year’s Posidonia, a biannual trade event, comes after four years of absence, as the 2022 exhibition was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Plakiotakis, this year’s Posidonia is expected to exceed the record-breaking numbers of 2018, the last time it was held, in terms of exhibitors, visitors and representatives of institutional bodies.

At the same time, Posidonia 2022, due to take place between June 6 and June 10 at the Athens Metropolitan Expo adjacent to the Greek capital’s international airport, comes in the shadow of the seizure of two Greek-flagged tankers in the Gulf by Iranian forces.

The Greek minister called the action unacceptable, and one that violates every concept of international law, the Law of the Sea and maritime safety.

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Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025