Παρασκευή 28 Μαρτίου 2025
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Aspropyrgos: Plastics factory fire under control

Aspropyrgos: Plastics factory fire under control

SMS over 112 to the residents of the area on Monday night due to the poor air quality

The fire that broke out last night in the yard of a plastics factory in Aspropyrgos, on Agias Sofias Street, is in remission.

According to the Fire Brigade, the image of the fire is improving and 30 firefighters are operating at the scene with 13 vehicles, while water-supplying local authorities are providing assistance.

A “difficult” fire

The conflagration broke out yesterday at around 9.30 pm – for reasons still unknown – and quickly spread, due to the flammable materials that were in the yard of the company. The risk of the fire spreading was quite high, both due to the burning plastics and the weather conditions prevailing in the area, as strong winds were blowing, which hampered the work of the fire-fighting forces.

The fire, however, did not spread inside the building, while the forces were bolstered even more after 11 pm. At the same time, the atmosphere was very suffocating, and at 11 pm, a message was sent via 112 to the residents of Aspropyrgos but also to those who were within a radius of 4 km, urging them to avoid unnecessary travel and to stay indoors due to the release of dangerous smoke.

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Παρασκευή 28 Μαρτίου 2025