Τετάρτη 08 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Bain & Company: New offices in Athens

Bain & Company: New offices in Athens

The new CEO of the company will be Dimitris Psarris, Senior Partner of the company specializing in the field of financial services

Bain & Company, an international business consulting firm, announced the opening of its offices in Athens as a result of its expanding cooperation with major Greek companies, and the increased demand for its consulting services in the country.

According to relevant information, Bain serves over 60% of the 500 largest companies worldwide (Global 500), operates in 40 countries with 65 offices and employs more than 14,000 employees worldwide.

Managing Partner (Managing Partner) of Bain & Company Greece, as well as a member of the European leadership team, is undertaken by Dimitris Psarris, Senior Partner of the company specializing in the field of Financial Services (Financial Services Practice).

“Bain’s new office in Athens enables the company to leverage the deep knowledge of its executives on the critical business and financial issues of the country, in order to help its customers manage their challenges and achieve tangible, sustainable results” , the announcement concludes.

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Τετάρτη 08 Ιανουαρίου 2025