Energy conservation: The ten measures state authorities will follow
The measures that public bodies and their staff should take to reduce energy consumption
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The Ministry of Environment and Energy has formulated ten steps so the public sector can limit energy consumption and expenditure.
In the context of Operation “Thermostat”, as it has been called, the Secretary General of Energy and Mineral Raw Materials Alexandra Sdoukou described a series of simple and affordable actions that can be implemented by all that will offer significant contribution to conserving energy and cutting costs. In fact the measures seem so self-evident one wonder why they have not been put into effect earlier.
According to the ministry, by utilizing the measures it is possible to achieve annual energy savings of between 15-20%.
1. Appointment of an energy manager for every building in the broader state sector.
2. Maintenance of air conditioners, burners and central units.
3. Adjusting the temperature of the air conditioners to constant degrees (26 in summer and at 19 in winter).
4. Not operating air conditioners with open windows.
5. Turning off cooling / heating units when buildings are empty
6. Turning off lights, computers and other devices when not in use. This can be overseen by the “energy manager”.
7. Natural ventilation of the building at night.
8. Installation of shading systems.
9. “Smart” street lighting management.
10. Installation of inverters in water supply and sewerage pumping stations.
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