The results of the first round of parliamentary elections in France remind one both of the significance of the hegemony of the political centre and of the permanent danger of populism, whether on the left wing or on the right wing.

Centrist forces are rallying behind French President Emmanuel Macron.

Hence, they are backing his plan for the rebirth of Europe, domestic reforms, and the acontinuation of a political programme that is in harmony with new challenges created by the current geopolitical environment and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The political centre is not a vague concept, nor does it lean toward ideological constructs involving a dangerous euroscepticism or ethnocentrism.

Today, it is the most dynamic force on the geopolitical spectrum, as it can balance between addressing the world’s most recent challenges and at the same time pursuing social cohesion without class-based biases and toxic rhetoric.

The same stands true regarding how it views the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the architecture of Europe, a unified EU defence and security system, and the future of France.

Centrist forces epitomise a logical approach to politics

They realise that a deeper and more cohesive EU is the solution, and not criticising and deconstructing the Union, and they will wage critical battles in a series of countries at a crucial juncture.