Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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BoG: Primary deficit of 1.75 billion euros in the five months

BoG: Primary deficit of 1.75 billion euros in the five months

What data show

The Bank of Greece has recorded a primary cash deficit of 1.75 billion euros in the five months of 2022.

In particular, in the period January-May 2022, the cash result of the central administration showed a deficit of 4,994 million euros, compared to a deficit of 11,578 million euros in the corresponding period of 2021, according to data from the BoG.

During this period, the regular budget revenues amounted to 19,924 million euros, from 16,514 million euros last year. As for the regular budget expenditures, these amounted to 24,569 million euros, from 26,764 million euros in the period January-May 2021.

The primary cash deficit stood at 1.75 billion euros compared to 8.2 billion euros in the corresponding period of 2021.

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Ο Γιάννης γίνεται (και με αριθμούς) ο καλύτερος στην ιστορία των Μπακς

Ο Γιάννης Αντετοκούνμπο δεν φοβήθηκε τη μονομαχία με τον Γουεμπανιάμα, σημείωσε double-double στη νίκη των Μπακς και έσπασε ένα απαρχαιομένο ρεκόρ του Καρίμ Αμπντούλ - Τζαμπάρ.

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Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025