Over 100 migrants rescued off drifting sailboat near Delos
They include 21 children, 24 women and 63 men
At least 108 migrants were rescued from a sailboat drifting southwest of Delos island, in the early morning hours of Sunday.
They include 21 children, 24 women and 63 men, while migrants told the Greek Coast Guard another 4 people are missing.
Due to strong winds and incoming water on the migrants’ vessel, a tow boat pulled the sailboat to Agios Georgios islet west of Mykonos, from where the migrants were transferred to Mykonos port. Authorities are looking for the missing persons.
Port authorities said none of the migrants was wearing a life jacket, and the sailboat had no emergency equipment on board.
Shipping Minister Yannis Plakiotakis had been notified and provided the rescue order.
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