Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Editorial Ta Nea: COVID-19 and personal responsibility

Editorial Ta Nea: COVID-19 and personal responsibility

Even without compulsory public health restrictions, and with our long experience with the pandemic, everyone can discern the danger of infection in crowded situations.

When the National COVID-19 Committee advised the government that one can do away with masks in indoor spaces, they did not say that the pandemic that has bedevilled us for two years is over.

Indeed, their decision was accompanied by a proviso -that one must assume personal responsibility.

Even without compulsory public health restrictions, and with our long experience with the pandemic, everyone can discern the danger of infection in crowded situations.

Everyone understands when they should take their mask out of their bag or pocket and wear it.

A laxity in the implementation of personal public health measures after wearing masks was no longer compulsory was to be expected.

However, given the rise in the COVID-19 positivity rate, even before the summer season is in full swing, makes it clear that the course of the pandemic in Greece is in our hands.

Everyone has a duty to implement in a strictly focused manner public health measures to fend off the virus, taking care of ourselves and our fellow-citizens who are in the most vulnerable groups, healthwise, because if they are infected they will face far more serious problems than a mere quarantine for a few days.

The care of the government and authorities for public health is one side of the coin.

The fact that the pandemic has receded over the last months, combined with high summer temperatures, opened a window of elasticity after a protracted period of public health restrictions.

Even when they were in effect, however, horizontal restrictions were not implemented.

After a certain point, the necessary caution is a matter of personal responsibility.

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Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025