Ferry Tickets: New price hikes of 5% – 10%
The previous increase, in April 2022, reached an average of 10 to 12%
Ferry companies proceeded to a new, second, increase for 2022, in the price of passenger tickets from 15/06 on most routes, due to the ever-increasing cost of fuel that has boosted burdened ship operating costs by up to 70%.
According coastal shipping industry execs, a passenger ferry on the Piraeus-Chania line needs about 33 tons of fuel per day to operate this route.
Oil price hikes
One ton of “VLSFO” fuel (low in sulfur fuel used on ships without scrubbers) now costs $ 1,264 a ton, up from $ 480 last year.
Thus, a ship on this line now pays 41,250 euros for fuel each way, from 15,840 euros needed about a year ago.
New price hike
The new increases in ticket prices range from 5% to 10% on average, while it is noted that the previous increase was made in April 2022 and reached an average of 10 to 12%.
According to some information, for some destinations and itineraries there might be a new small increase from July 1.
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