Greek PM: The tourism industry is facing new challenges
The tourism industry has survived the pandemic with the support of the state, said the Prime Minister, speaking at the General Assembly of Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises-SETE – He stressed the need for digital and green transformation of businesses, but also for better wages and working conditions
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The forecasts for the current tourist season are extremely encouraging, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said, speaking at the general assembly of the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises (SETE). He stressed that the tourism industry paid a heavy price for the pandemic, but with the support of the state, it remained upright.
He added, however, that the industry was once again facing new challenges due to the disruptions in international travel, the energy crisis and the price spike caused by the war in Ukraine. “This means that the cost of services is increasing, while reducing the purchasing power of millions, and at the same time the climate crisis and the evolution of technology are rapidly changing the consumer habits of visitors,” he said, adding that therefore, it is called upon to align with modern digital and green practices.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis emphasized the priority of the coexistence of competitive tourism with a respect for nature. In this context, he referred to the Special Spatial Framework for Tourism which is being completed, to the promotion of Local Urban Plans and to the interventions for simpler approvals of the environmental conditions and the special incentives for large investments. He referred to the islands of Astypalea, Halki and Tilos, which as he said, already show the way of the harmonization of tourism with the principles of the circular economy and energy autonomy.
Also, the Prime Minister, referring to the issue of workers in the sector, stressed that business viability implies social sustainability. “Tourism must be attractive not only to visitors but also to those who work in it. Something that refers to better salaries and working conditions”, he said characteristically.
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