Shipping Minister: We save lives in the Aegean
A numerous Coast Guard contingent at the spot where twenty-five men, five women and a baby who had just been born were found
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The Minister of Shipping and Island Policy, Giannis Plakiotakis, congratulated the officers of the Coast Guard, who saved a mother and her child, that was born on the rocky islet of Barbalias, east of Mytilene.
The Coast Guard had mounted an operation at the spot where twenty-five men, five women and a baby, that had just been born, were found.
The individuals were located by a patrolling Coast Guard vessel. After the rescue they were transported to the port of Mytilene. Most immigrants are Eritrean nationals.
“We save lives in the Aegean”
As Mr. Plakiotakis tweeted, unscrupulous traffickers abandoned the immigrants at the spot. “Mother and child are now safe at Mytilene Hospital. We are saving lives in the Aegean.”
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