Τετάρτη 08 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Space Hellas: Digital network for eight folklore museums οn Samos

Space Hellas: Digital network for eight folklore museums οn Samos

Creating a digital cultural network of the eight Folklore Museums of Samos

The implementation of the project “Digital cultural network of the Folklore Museums of Samos” was undertaken by Space Hellas after a tender of the Municipality of Eastern Samos.

The project has to do with the creation of a digital cultural network of the eight Folklore Museums of Samos, which today are neither well known nor visited often, in order to create a complete view of the cultural stock of the island using digital and interactive media / applications.

The project concerns will fashion a web portal for the museum network with eight Micro sites, one for each museum, as well as the implementation of a mobile application in selected museums, with digital tour capabilities using augmented reality technologies . Upon completion of the project, museum visitors and the general public will have the opportunity for a unique visiting experience, as they will have at their disposal comprehensive communication and interactive services with the cultural, folklore and historical content of the museums.

In addition, historians, folklorists, researchers and young people will benefit from their contact with rare and very valuable to the scientific community material. The aim of the project is for the Folklore Museums of Samos to become extroverted and active, offering the public easy access to their cultural assets.

The project includes the development of digital infrastructure, modern services and applications, aiming at the gradual digital transformation of the island’s folklore museums. The folklore museums of Samos are: a) Folklore Museum of the Dimitriou Cultural Foundation, b) Folklore Museum of Koumeika “Dimitrios Papaioannou”, c) Historical and Folklore Museum of Karlovasi, d) Folklore Museum of Pagonda, e) Folklore Museum of Ampelos, g) Folklore museum of Mavratzaia and h) Folklore museum of Mytilene.

The museums currently utilize modern digital and interactive technologies, interactive applications, augmented reality and digital guided tours, which will be further augmented, and spread to wider audiences, through the new network.

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Πότε θα παίξει ο Ολυμπιακός με τη Χιρόνα για τους «32» του Youth League - Η κλήρωση και το μονοπάτι μέχρι το Final 4 στη Νιόν

Στις 12 Φεβρουαρίου στις 16.00 το μεσημέρι θα αντιμετωπίσει ο Ολυμπιακός την Χιρόνα για την φάση των «32» του Youth League.

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Τετάρτη 08 Ιανουαρίου 2025