Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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Watch 26th Annual Economist Gov’t Roundtable live

Watch 26th Annual Economist Gov’t Roundtable live

Among the panel participants and speakers at the Economist conference are the chairman and founder of Capital Maritime & Trading Corp., Evangelos Marinakis, who will broach the issue of challenges and forecasts by business leaders amid the crossroads of East and West.

The 26th Annual Economist Government Roundtable, entitled “Antitheses, transformations, achievements in a changing world”, commences today at the Lagonissi resort in coastal southeast Athens.

The conference focuses on geopolitical changes caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a looming “new” division of Europe, a development that’s expected to usher in a new but unstable global order.

Efforts to achieve peace and stability, along with repercussions on the global economy are at the forefront of deliberations.

The latest developments have rekindled attention on the western Balkans by the international community, and magnified the geopolitical significance of the eastern Mediterranean, thereby affecting the policies of regional governments and beyond.

Among the panel participants and speakers at the Economist conference are the chairman and founder of Capital Maritime & Trading Corp., Evangelos Marinakis, who will broach the issue of challenges and forecasts by business leaders amid the crossroads of East and West – beginning at 13.30 Athens time, or 11.30 GMT.

He is joined by the chairwoman and CEO of Navios Maritime Partners L.P., Angeliki Frangou.

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also addresses the specific session.

Speakers will field questions referring to US policy in southeast Europe and beyond, the future of Europe-USA relations, as well as whether the prospect of constructing and operating the EastMed pipeline should be re-examined.

Wath the event LIVE:

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Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024