Τετάρτη 08 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Commission takes Greece, Malta and Slovakia to court for non-compliance with data link rules

Commission takes Greece, Malta and Slovakia to court for non-compliance with data link rules

The deadline for air traffic service providers to operate data link services has expired

The Commission today (15 July 2022) decided to refer Greece, Malta and Slovakia to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to provide and operate data link services for all operators of appropriately equipped aircraft flying within the airspace under their responsibility.

Read also – European Court of Justice: Greece triumphs over Denmark in feta war

The deadline for the air traffic service providers to operate data link services has expired and a lack of equipment in certain control centers is effectively preventing aircraft operators, which were also required to equip themselves with the technology, from using data link services. The Commission opened infringement proceedings in May 2020 and sent reasoned opinions in July 2021. Since those Member States remain in breach of the Regulation, the Commission has now decided to refer the cases to the Court.


Data link systems are used to send information between aircraft and air traffic controllers and are complementary to the traditional voice communications used between the cockpit and air traffic control centres. Deploying this interoperable technology in Europe is essential to improve the efficiency of communications between pilots and controllers, thereby increasing air traffic control capacity and security. Each Member State is required by Implementing Regulation (EC) 29/2009, in conjunction with Article 4(3) TEU, to take measures so that air traffic service providers are able to provide and operate such data link services.

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Τετάρτη 08 Ιανουαρίου 2025