The balance of salaried employment flows remained positive, both in May and in the first half of the year, according to the data of the “ERGANI” employment data system.

During the past month, recruitment announcements amounted to 329,966, while departures amounted to 310,853 (109,376 voluntary resignations and 201,477 terminations of open-ended contracts or expiration of fixed-term contracts). Consequently, the June balance was positive, with 19,113 added jobs.

In the January-June semester, recruitment announcements reached 1,445,560 and departures reached 1,178,368 (658,304 terminations of open-ended contracts or expiration of fixed-term contracts and 520,064 voluntary departures). Thus, the balance of salaried employment flows in the first quarter of the year was positive by 267,192 jobs.