Greek govt announces emergency subsidies, relief measures for wildfire-afflicted residents
Twelve relief measures for wildfire-afflicted residents in eastern Attica prefecture
The Greek government on Thursday announced 12 relief measures for wildfire-afflicted residents in eastern Attica prefecture – east of Athens proper – and other regions this month.
Measures include a six-month suspension of obligations to the tax bureau; compensation for damages to a residence and one household appliance; housing assistance to individuals and legal entities for the restoration of damaged buildings and facilities within demarcated areas; an initial cash payment for housing expenses; subsidies for wildfire-damaged businesses; a three-year exemption from property tax payments; a six-month suspension of enforceable legal rulings applied to wildfire-damaged property; a rent subsidy; accommodation of afflicted residents in local hotels; subsidies for professional farmers, and finally, emergency funding to local government authorities.
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