Island port infrastructure upgrade secures 175 million euro funding
The approval of the “Transport 2021 – 2027” program by the EU marks a very great success of the government, according to the Minister of Shipping Yannis Plakiotakis
The EU’s approval of the “Transportation 2021 – 2027” program marks a great success of the Greek Government, according to minister of Shipping and Island Policy Yannis Plakiotakis. The minister stressed that the coordinated action of the Ministry, in collaboration with the Ministry of Development and Investments and the Special Management Service, as well as the systematic negotiation with the European Commission, led to the securing of 175 million euros for the development of island port infrastructure and 80 million euros for the financing of selected barren lines.
Significant success
As Mr. Plakiotakis noted, “this is a very important success, which dramatically changes the situation for the islanders and our islands. Now, not only the stable and more frequent ferry connection of the islands, both with mainland Greece and between them, is ensured, but also the quality upgrade of the service provided, with better port infrastructure and incentives for the routing of new “green” ships”.
According to Mr. Plakiotakis, these new possibilities, combined with targeted actions for “Navigation safety systems” funded with over 90,000,000 euros and a series of important projects in ports throughout the country, decisively serve the growth of Greek islands and the maritime economy.
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