Schools open on September 12 with an additional 8,500 teachers
Education Minister Niki Kerameos also announced that the invitation for substitute teachers is being signed and from next week they will be able to enter the platform to fill in personal details
“On Monday, September 12, our schools open with the best possible human resource condition of all time”, emphasized the Minister of Education, Niki Kerameos, speaking to SKAI channel.
In particular, he said that 8,500 permanent appointments have just been completed, bringing the total number of permanent appointments in the last 2.5 years in education and special education to 25,000. She also announced that today the invitation for substitute teachers is being signed and from next week they will be able to enter the platform to fill in their information.
The Minister of Education described the extension of all-day school until 5:30 from September in approximately 5,000 school sections as an important innovation. 3,000 teachers will be hired just for the extension of hours.
The goal, emphasized Ms. Kerameos, is to upgrade the education provided but also to support working parents
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