Greek Foreign Ministry requests “prudence” and “responsibility” from opposition over Evros islet affair
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaks of Turkey’s attempt to use refugees as a tool and the possible fabrication of a border issue
Another “attempt by Turkey to instrumentalize the refugee-immigrant issue” and create a border issue on the Evros is referred to by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in an announcement, while also calling on the opposition to show “prudence” and “responsibility”, letting loose barbs against “a segment of the opposition” trying to turn the issue into a field of partisan confrontation as he states in his announcement.
“Possibly creating a border issue at the same time”
The announcement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs comes shortly after the question submitted by SYRIZA to Parliament calling, among other things, on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide clarifications regarding the sovereignty status of the islet in the Evros river where refugees were stranded, accompanied by data according to which the islet is registered in the Greek cadaster, which shows it as belonging to the Greek state.
In detail, the announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is as follows:
“The recent incident concerning the forwarding of asylum seekers from Turkey to Greece in the Evros region is yet another attempt by Turkey to instrumentalize the migrant-refugee issue and possibly create a border issue at the same time.
No to a partisan confrontation
“In the face of this new attempt at the expense of our national interests, prudence and responsibility are required from all the political forces of our country, instead of an attempt to turn the issue into a field of partisan confrontation, by a segment of the opposition.”
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