Τρίτη 07 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Shipping: Program for the mental health of seafarers

Shipping: Program for the mental health of seafarers

The Prometheas program

The results of the European program “Prometheas”, in which the Maritime Club of Chios also participates, were presented at a recent event of the Club in Chios.

The project PROmoting MEnTal HEAlth at Sea, as is the full name of the Prometheas project, aims to support merchant shipping and the shipping industry and focused on developing a training program and learning resources to be used by shipping companies, for their sailors , about maintaining and improving their mental health.

The program is in its final steps, since it will be completed with its pilot application in mid-September 2022 with the participation of 150 Greek sailors.

The main target group of the Prometheas project is merchant marine captains and engineers, cadets and seamen.

Among those benefitting from the program will be trainers in mental health and bullying issues, vocational education and training centers and sector consultants, as well as maritime academies and shipping companies.

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Τρίτη 07 Ιανουαρίου 2025