Τρίτη 07 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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The Times: Greece overtakes Italy this season as 2nd favorite destination for UK holiday-makers

The Times: Greece overtakes Italy this season as 2nd favorite destination for UK holiday-makers

1.33 million British nationals traveled to Greece in July 2013

Greece has overtaken Italy this year in terms of holiday preference for UK tourists, with the country coming in second after perennial favorite Spain.

According to “The Times”, which cites Civil Aviation Authority figures, 1.33 million British nationals traveled to Greece in July 2013. Additionally, Greece also showed the least decrease from 2019’s figures – the record-breaking year before the pandemic – when 1.36 million holiday makers from the British Isles traveled to the country.

The article cites a successful management of the Covid-19 crisis by the Greek government and its emphasis on protecting the all-important tourism sector.

According to Noel Josephides, the chairman of Sunvil Holidays and a director of the Association of Independent Tour Operators, Greece handled the pandemic well, giving vaccination priority to people working in the sector, and featuring a good quality-to-price relation.

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Τρίτη 07 Ιανουαρίου 2025