BoG: Significant reduction in central gov’t cash balance deficit in Jan-Aug 2022 period
The primary balance of the central government recorded a deficit of 574 million euros, compared to 6.3-billion-euro deficit in Jan-Aug 2021
Greece’s central government cash balance posted an improved showing in the Jan-Aug period this year, with the Bank of Greece (BoG) reporting a deficit of 5.580 billion euros, compared to a deficit of 11.440 billion euros over the same period in 2021.
According to the country’s central bank, in a report released on Monday, during the specific period, ordinary budget revenue amounted to 35.668 billion euros, compared to 28,247 billion euros in the corresponding period of 2021. Ordinary budget expenditure totaled 39,253 billion euros, from down from 41,212 billion euros in the January-August 2021 period.
The primary balance of the state budget for the first eight-month period of 2022 posted a primary surplus of 481 million euros, significantly up from a 7.7-billion-euro deficit during the same period in 2021.
Addition, the primary balance of the central government recorded a deficit of 574 million euros, compared to 6.3-billion-euro deficit in Jan-Aug 2021.
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