Editorial Ta Nea: Responsibility
Having served as an MEP for so many year - the last six as a European Parliament vice-president - Mr. Papadimoulis should have known better the limits and responsibility of his role.
Greece’s image in Brussels is not shaped only at the level of leaders.
In the heart of the European Union, Greece’s presence is also expressed by its elected representatives to the European Parliament (MEPs).
SYRIZA’s MEP Dimitris Papadimoulis, who is also a vice-president of the European Parliament, made public an internal draft document (not final) of the PEGA Committee, which is competent for the investigation of improper us of Pegasus and other surveillance software, regarding the schedule of its planned visit to Greece and meetings with top Greek officials [including, according to the draft document, the PM the ex-chief of the National Intelligence Service (EYP), and the PM’s chief of staff, who was responsible for the oversight of EYP), both of whom were sacked].
In so doing, he not only did not help the probe of Greece’s surveillance affair, but he also exposed his own Left group in the European Parliament, his own party, SYRIZA, and his country.
Thereafter, he continued to publicly defend his mistake, remarking that PEGA’s chairman, Jeroen Lenaer, denounced Papadimoulis’ action because his own conservative “European People’s Party group pulled his ear (chastised him)”.
Lenaer in a tweet slammed Papadimoulis decision to make public a draft programme of PEGA’s Athens visit.
“Go ahead, @papadimoulis, check with the coordinator of your own group if this program was ever prepared or approved by the coordinators of the @EP_PegaInquiry.”
Papadimoulis did not even take into account that it was Lenaer who signed PEGA’s letter to Europol, requesting its collaboration in the investigation of cases of surveillance in Greece.
MEPs have a duty to comprehend that they are a systemic part of the EU.
The Greek Left in the past was fortunate enough to have in its ranks exemplary MEPs, who did not act based on the exclusive criterion of the interests of the party that sent them to the European Parliament, or for domestic consumption.
After having served as an MEP for so many years in the halls of Brussels and Strasbourg – the last six as a European Parliament vice-president – Mr. Papadimoulis should have been better acquainted with the limits and responsibility of his role.
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