The strategic importance of the fishing industry
Simos Kedikoglou meets with the Panhellenic Public Fisheries Association
The economic-social dimension and the strategic development of the fishing sector as a pillar of the primary sector was analyzed by the Deputy Minister of Agricultural Development and Food Mr. Simos Kedikoglou in a meeting with the members of the Board of Directors of the Panhellenic Association of Public Ichthyologists.
At the center of the discussions were the issues of the traceability of fishing products, the tightening of controls, the legislative determination of the professionalism of fishermen and the reinstatement of recreational fishing licensing.
In addition, the acute problem of dealing with invasive species (harefish, lionfish, etc.), the issue of creating a training program for young fishermen and the legislation of the compensation procedure due to the errors of professionals in the sector (fishermen, aquaculture and all kinds of fisheries).
The deputy minister reiterated the special importance he gives to fishing issues, underlined the importance of protecting fish stocks and informed about the establishment of a Scientific Council for Fisheries to collect and process data, with priority to determine the fish breeding zones, geographically and temporally. It was even pointed out the priority given by the Ministry of Fisheries to fishing tourism, which significantly boosts the income of professional fishermen and is an important attraction for visitors.
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