Δευτέρα 06 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Editorial Ta Nea: We can do better

Editorial Ta Nea: We can do better

Many had wondered but no one did anything. For the neighbours, the things going on next door “came out of the blue”, and the accused perpetrator acted with the mask of an upstanding citizen.

Over the last days we have seen unfolding before our eyes the details of a hair-raising case of the sexual exploitation [rape and pimping, allegedly by local shopwowner Elias Michos, photo] of a 12-year-old girl in the Kolonos suburb of Athens.

We heard everything.

Many had wondered but no one did anything. For the neighbours, the things going on right next door “came out of the blue”, and the accused perpetrator was acting with the mask of an upstanding citizen.

The girl’s mother, who was responsible for protecting her, is believed to have participated in the crime.

Unfortunately, society very often wants to have nothing to do with such cases. It sees no evil and hears no evil in order to avoid getting mixed up in such situations.

Nevertheless, it is impermissible for the state and social services, which could have protected this child, to have turned the other way.

In the case in Kolonos, they did not do their duty, and it is not the first time.

There is an urgent need to support all social services facilities that are currently operating.

If it is deemed necessary, new facilities must be created in order to address in a timely manner all similar, traumatic stories of exploitation.

The protection of children is above any political objective or skirmish.

Its social milieu disappointed and let down a 12-year-old child.

They will have to offer an accounting to the judiciary and deal with their guilt.

The rest of us can do better.

Must in

Πώς ήταν η ζωή του Παπανικολάου στα 10; – Τα 100 ευρώ, το σπασμένο χέρι και τι είναι ο Ολυμπιακός για εκείνον

Ο Κώστας Παπανικολάου μίλησε για τα παιδικά του χρόνια, τις αγαπημένες του συνήθειες, τις διακοπές του, τη στιγμή που έσπασε το χέρι του, ενώ εξήγησε τι σημαίνει ο Ολυμπιακός για εκείνον.

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Δευτέρα 06 Ιανουαρίου 2025