The latest opinion poll results unveiled this month has show ruling New Democracy (ND) increasing its lead over main opposition SYRIZA party, with the former preferred by 31.2 percent of respondents to 22.9 percent for the latter.

The poll, by the Alco firm, was commissioned by an Athens-area television channel and presented on the latter’s prime-time newscast on Monday.

Center-right ND pooled 30.6 percent in the same opinion poll taken last month, while leftist SYRIZA remained fixed at 22.9 percent.

In a minor surprise, the small rightist and Euro-skeptic Elliniki Lysi party is given 5.1 percent, up from 4.2 percent last month.

Support for the other three parties currently represented in Parliament (PASOK-KINAL, the Communist Party and Yannis Varoufakis Mera25) remained mostly at the same levels, with PASOK at 11.4 percent.