Δευτέρα 06 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Oil is a safer choice for Greek consumers, says energy expert

Oil is a safer choice for Greek consumers, says energy expert

Lawyer and energy expert Orestis Omran noted the fluctuations in natural gas prices and availability

The price of natural gas has skyrocketed due to the energy crisis, with many consumers turning to oil.

Orestis Omran, lawyer and expert in energy matters, spoke on MEGA channel, about whether Greece is ready to face the difficult winter ahead.

As he pointed out, at the moment the safest option for consumers is oil, but no one can know if the prices will remain at the same levels in the coming days, while price fluctuations are likely to occur.

In addition, Mr. Orman emphasized that Greece has taken a series of actions in order to ensure energy sufficiency in order to face the energy crisis looming over Europe.

He explained that it is a complex puzzle, which depends on whether this winter will be harsh in Europe, on the agreements that will be made to have sufficient cargoes of liquefied natural gas, the flows that will be there and how much of these will remain in Greece.

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Πώς ήταν η ζωή του Παπανικολάου στα 10; – Τα 100 ευρώ, το σπασμένο χέρι και τι είναι ο Ολυμπιακός για εκείνον

Ο Κώστας Παπανικολάου μίλησε για τα παιδικά του χρόνια, τις αγαπημένες του συνήθειες, τις διακοπές του, τη στιγμή που έσπασε το χέρι του, ενώ εξήγησε τι σημαίνει ο Ολυμπιακός για εκείνον.

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Δευτέρα 06 Ιανουαρίου 2025