Δευτέρα 06 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Bank of Greece: State budget primary surplus in the nine months at 776 million

Bank of Greece: State budget primary surplus in the nine months at 776 million

What the central bank data shows

The state budget showed a primary surplus in September for the second consecutive month, on a cash basis.

According to the data of the Bank of Greece, in September the State Budget showed a primary surplus of 295 million euros, while in the nine months of January – September the primary surplus amounted to 776 million euros, against a deficit of 7.1 billion euros in the corresponding period last year .

At the level of the Central Administration, a smaller deficit was recorded in the nine months (5.3 billion euros) compared to the corresponding period last year (11.1 billion euros)


This development reflects the increase in regular budget revenues which amounted to 40.482 billion euros, from 33.079 billion euros last year.


As for regular budget expenditures, they amounted to 43.925 billion euros, up from 45.296 billion euros in the January-September 2021 period.

For interest, the Budget paid 5.3 billion euros. against 5.4 billion euros in the corresponding period last year.

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Δευτέρα 06 Ιανουαρίου 2025