Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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US Sen. Menendez calls for UN probe into 92 naked migrants reportedly mistreated, pushed into Greece by Turkish police

US Sen. Menendez calls for UN probe into 92 naked migrants reportedly mistreated, pushed into Greece by Turkish police

He publicly called for a UN investigation into the treatment of 92 third country nationals located by Greek authorities last week on the riverside border with Turkey

US Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the influential chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on Thursday publicly called for a UN investigation into the treatment of 92 third country nationals – all found without a stitch of clothing – located by Greek authorities last week on the riverside border with Turkey.

“I commend Greek authorities for rescuing the 92 people found near the country’s border with Turkey… I fully support an investigation into the inhumane treatment of these migrants, including the Turkish military’s reported role in their gross mistreatment,” was the statement circulated on the US senator’s social media accounts.

According to widely circulated testimonies of some of the would-be migrants, as reported by Greek authorities, they were rounded up by Turkish police the gendarmerie force, transported to the border with Greece, forced to strip naked and transverse the Evros (Maritsa) River aboard three flimsy boats in order to land on Greek territory.

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Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024